Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Someone Wise Once Said...

Someone asked me once how I could bare to vote [mostly] Republican. Before I could give him an answer he took it upon himself to answer his own question for me. He said it was probably due to my young age and that, in time, I would see the gross error of my ways. I politely smiled at him, thanked him and told him to have a nice day and left it at that but his words have stayed with me for some time now.

I have come to learn that both sides have their fair share of "crazy" and when you encounter someone of opposite political standing as you; someone who is clearly driven by their blind hatred for the other side rather than the ambition to see this country succeed; there is really not a whole lot to be done. You will never change their mind and they will never change yours and I don't think that it’s worth being insulted over or to be insulting to someone else just to get your point across. I mean, honestly, they're not going to listen anyway.

I think the best thing we can do, as individuals (hopefully not too far one way or the other to be counted as crazy) is to voice our opinion in a concise and logical manner. That perhaps, in doing so, we can help educate someone who would otherwise not have displayed even the slightest interest in politics. I mean, let's face is, what is the percentage of people under the age of 45 who actually pay attention to this stuff? Slim to none. And I think it's a shame. Young people are the ones who shape our country. How are we to shape Her if we turn a blind eye to the very thing that founded this great and bountiful country?

So, to answer this man's question; a few reasons why I have found myself raising my banner for the Grand Old Party.

I still believe in the goals that our Forefathers set before us. That instead of striving for more power and more money as we see so many present day career politicians doing, but rather that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should still be the foremost ambition of every American. That along those lines, those same ideas that became our Constitution are our unalienable rights not only as Americans but as human beings and are not to be tampered with, changed in any way, or interpreted by the mind of today's man.

Every person deserves the chance to succeed on their own. The Government is not here to fix your problems. I support helping the needy; I simply oppose funding the lazy.
I believe in small government. These elected officials work for the people and not the other way around. That nothing these officials can do should ever limit the people’s power. That a position held by a politician is of their own volition because he/she feels it is their duty to serve their country in some way and they believe they can make it a better place. It should not be a career.

Every single American should pay the same in taxes; Fair Tax for all. The top 1% should not be paying for the rest of the 99%. It matters not how much I make if you are going to force me to pay a greater percentage than others pay you are in turn punishing me for my success. Not only that, and what’s worse, it's also rewarding others for being lazy or less successful. And that is gravely unjust.
“To whatever extent, you are deprived of the fruits of your own labor, to just that extent, you are a slave. “ What one person receives without working for, another person worked for without receiving. That is something powerful we should all keep in mind.

Congress shall make no law in which they themselves are exempt from. How can we be expected to trust these people when they themselves don’t trust what comes out of their own mouths enough to follow the law they have created?

These are just a few of the many reasons. I love my country and my vote, along with my voice, will reflect that.

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